25 phrases you should not say to your children. How to avoid hurting your child?
Checklist for those unwilling to be a bad parent
You should become familiar with these phrases if you want to:
Knowing these phrases will help you even in cases when your child:
After working with the checklist, you will:
improve relationships
with children
become moral support for teenagers
estore the
lost authority
understand child and adolescent psychology
stop resorting
to pressure
and manipulations
return warm
and calm family atmosphere
help a child
in difficult situations
understand the mistakes you've made and know how to fix them
stop manipulating and pressing, getting angry and snapping at children
improve family relationships and atmosphere
learn to competently speak with toddlers and adolescents
does not admit his mistakes
may be moody with no apparent cause
does not respect you, blames or acts out of spite
weeps for nothing
is often rude and aggressive
cheats or hides a lot
cannot take care of oneself
withdraws into himself and does not talk
does not respond to comments
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